Selecting a life partner is the most important decision of life and Numerology can help you in that. Numbers offer quick and easy way out to check if you or your child can lead a happy married life with the person in question.
Each number and letter has a particular vibration attached to it. So, analysis of the numbers from your date of birth and those related with the letters in your name offers easy way out to check your wavelength. Of course, marriages are written in heaven and probably that's why the date and time of your birth assumes so much importance in your life. All you need is a little awareness towards them.
Numbers got by adding the digits in your date of birth govern your attitudes, thoughts, preferences and responses. The most important aspect for a successful marriage is Coordination between the partners. For this, they must have compatible approach, desires and preferences in life. A person having high desire for sensual pleasures and materialistic luxuries finds it hard to spend their life with a person having a spiritual bent of mind. Because, a number 3 person will keep preaching the number 6 person that could irritate him. So, it is normally, not advisable for a number 6 person to select a number 3 person as their life partner. This becomes all the more important, in Indian context, if the girl belongs to number 3.
Similarly, a number 1 person having high confidence in his thoughts, approach and decisions might appear bossy to a number 8 person. So, a mismatch arises. On, the other hand, if the sum total of the digits in your date of birth comes out to be number 2, you may get along very well with that person. This is purely because number 2 represents the realms of emotions in your subconscious mind and you have the natural skills and temperament to understand the abilities of your partner and handle him accordingly. In fact, number 2 persons have the capability to get along well with all other number persons.
In general, a number 1 person should avoid selecting a marriage partner related to numbers 4, 6 and 8 and vice versa. Number 3 persons should avoid 6 and vice-versa. Number 5 persons should avoid number 9 as partner. However, it's always advisable to take your decision only on the basis of detailed Numero Analysis.
Most of the times, even if your numbers' vibrations are not matching, a harmonious balance can be set in by modifying the spelling of your or/and your would-be partner's name. Another, very powerful remedial measure lies in creating harmonious vibrations in your space (home) which closely and deeply affects your individual vibrations. There are easy to apply NumeroVastu solutions involving use of colours, lights, aromas, and beautiful sculptures that can help you live with love, money and fortune.